We believe that Jesus Christ is both Lord and Saviour. In him, God took on human flesh and became one of us. As such, Jesus' life and teaching revealed to us what God is like. In His death He took the punishment for our sin. In His resurrection He opened the way to eternal life. And when He returns in judgement He will establish justice and set the world to rights.

 We believe that human beings are reconciled to God by grace alone. True Christianity is not about trying to earn our salvation. It is about being honest with God, acknowledging our brokenness and our failings and then asking for His mercy. When we do this, God promises to give us his Holy Spirit to dwell within us. The Spirit empowers and transforms us as we seek to live with Jesus as Lord.

 Along with Christians all around the world and throughout the centuries, we stand and recite the Apostles' Creed, and the Nicene Creed. We also hold that the Bible is the Word of God. It is the supreme way God communicates with us and as such is the ultimate authority on all matters of faith and doctrine.

What we do at Cobbitty Anglican is shaped by what we believe. We gather to sing the praises of the God who made the universe and gave His Son for us. We confess our sins to Him, knowing that He is merciful and kind and yearns to forgive. We spend time reading the Bible and thinking about how it applies to our lives so that we can be transformed by God’s Spirit. And we share our lives with each other so that together we might be strengthened in the faith and built up to maturity.